Sweetness - Bentwood Chest

Steve Smith

Sweetness - Bentwood Chest

Steve Smith

6" x 8 3/4" x 5"

Red and yellow cedar, hand-painted with acrylic.

Artist Statement: This piece (and a few others in the show) was inspired from an experience that I had when I had a recent surgery. When I finally did come to from the anesthetic, there was this overwhelming sense of peace and kindness and loving presence that I felt. I felt that there were angels around me when I woke up. There are round circles on some of the pieces and they are to represent angels or light beings, mystical things that we sometimes only get a glimpse of every so often. This box is a reminder of all of the sweetness in life. When I sit and think about it, I tear up from an overwhelming sense of gratitude for being. How sweet it is!
- Steve Smith DLA'KWAGILA

Artist Biography and Additional Work