Alyson Bell Xúndaaya


Old Masset, Haida Gwaii

Alyson Bell (Xúndaaya) belongs to the Iij’aaw Yahgu ‘Laanaas Raven Clan from G̱aw Tlagée, Haida Gwaii. She has been immersed in the artistic traditions of her family since early childhood, learning formline from her relatives and accompanying her grandfather to see his friends in their studios. In 2023, Alyson graduated from the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art, focusing primarily in painting and carving. In the same year, she started an apprenticeship with renowned Haida artist, Robert Davidson (G̲uud San Glans). Alyson hopes to one day, open her own studio where she can pass on her knowledge to the next generation of Haida artists.