Txa'msem Brings Fire - Red Cedar Totem Pole

Phil Gray

Txa'msem Brings Fire - Red Cedar Totem Pole

Phil Gray

Contact the gallery to place a commission with the artist.

97" x 24" x 22"

One myth central to Ts'msyen culture is the ‘Txa'msem Brings Fire’ story. This is an origin story that tells of how in the beginning, much of mankind lacked fire. Communities would freeze in the winter without it, and it was difficult for families to cook and prepare food. Txa'msem (Ts'msyen for Raven in Human Form, the cultural hero) remembered seeing a village that always had a large fire in their longhouse during his travels. Due to the fact that the fire was so far away, Txa'msem used his shape-shifting abilities to transform into several other animals that would be faster than he in his current form. Through great effort – including the use of Shark’s supernatural canoe and Deer’s speed and agility – Txa'msem brought a firebrand back to the Tsimshian people, lit a Fir tree with it, and stated “This shall burn as long as the years last”.


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